- Partner Verification is not Loading/Refreshing
- "Unable to convert the module US to the correct binding." Error when E-Filing 1040X
- Desktop Program Opening But Cannot View Window
- “List Index Out of Bounds” When Creating E-Files
- “1120 Page 6, the Schedule M-1 Requires a Statement” Diagnostics Error
- E-File Validation Error Containing "ShortDescriptionType"
- Side-by-Side Configuration is Incorrect
- (235) Current Check Printing Control File Is Not Installed...
- Internal Error Method Not Found: 'System.String'
- "Class Not Registered" Diagnostic Error
- Error 1330: data1.cab Has an Invalid Signature
- "Unique tag violation," Error When Restoring Returns
- "Error: EFIN not registered," When Transmitting E-files in UltimateTax
- “Error 221” Followed By “ODBC Driver” Error When Opening the Program
- Error (161) - Acknowledgement Error
- Error 257 - This user (Admin)...
- Database Error (161)
- "You are not authorized..." Error
- Stack Pointer Error
- Resolving E-File Validation Errors
- Acknowledgement Fails to Download
- TX Range Check Error
- Invalid Registration Code (2013 Software)
- "Access Violation in module..." when closing UltimateTax
- Error 392 - an error occurred while transmitting the bank files
- Error 675, You are not currently authorized...
- "Error 131: This return is not eligible..." when opening multi-plan 5500 return
- Various errors when using eFile Cabinet to print returns
- Unable to Contact EFC Webservice
- "Interface Not Supported" When Creating Returns