- If you have not already done so, make sure to destroy all remaining check stock from previous years in compliance with your bank's standards. Your bank should provide you with new check stock for the season.
- Test which way to enter your check stock into your printer. For more assistance on this, check out our article regarding Aligning Checks.
- If you do not see a check authorization for printing, ensure to check for updates in the program.
- Make sure the check sequence is correct and the number match before printing.
- If starting a new pack of checks, make sure to verify the check number.
- Checks do expire; consult with your financial provider to see the process of expired checks.
- For void checks, ensure to follow procedures in compliance with your bank as not all institutions have you destroy void checks immediately and may need them to verify new check authorizations.
Solution Articles:
Setting Up & Aligning Printer in Online Check Printing - VIDEO INCLUDED