To print a return, you must first disable any pop-up blockers you have running on your system. Adobe Reader 7.0 or higher is required to print returns.
While in the return, click on the Print Return button at the top of the screen next to some of your other return options.

Afterward, a screen will appear asking you what Print Sets you'd like to select for printing. These will determine what forms print out with the return. This can be defined by editing your Print Sets.

Once you've selected which forms are to be printed out, a window will appear with options on how to view the printed return after a short delay. Save to Vault will save a copy of the printed return to the customer's Vault found by clicking the Safe Deposit Box icon in the Loaded Forms window while in the return. Otherwise, click Open PDF to view the printed return in your browser window. From here, you can save it to your PC.

This information is good for all years of UltimateTax.
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