Beginning 2024, both Desktop and Online UltimateTax platforms for checks issued by TPG, EPS, and RA will print checks through the bank portals and the Online Check Printing site will only be for Republic.
This article will cover how to set up the Online Check Printing from both platforms for Republic checks.
Desktop Setup
After logging in as Admin, ensure you've performed all currently available Program and Module Updates. For more information on these, please see the articles below:
Applying Program Updates - VIDEO INCLUDED
Applying Module Updates - VIDEO INCLUDED
Once the software has been updated, click on the Print Checks button from the dashboard of your software.
This will open a window in your default browser that will present you with a login window to the OCP site. For your first time logging in you will need to enter your Client ID (this can be found in your Software page on MyUltimateTax), the Username which should always be Admin. For your first login, you will not have a password and will need to use your Registration Code found inside the Software tab at MyUltimateTax. If a password has been set in the past, use the Forgot username or password? link to receive a temporary password and sign in.
Once signed in, you will need to use the Configure Printer option to perform your alignment to ensure printing is done correctly.
After setup has completed, this window can be opened to view and print any received check print acknowledgements.
Online Setup
After logging into the Online software as Admin, you can find the Print Checks option on your dashboard screen.
This will open a window in your default browser that will present you with a login window to the OCP site. You may log in to this site using the same Admin log in credentials that you use to log in to your Online software.
If this is the first time using the Online Check Printing, you will need to use the Configure Printer option to align your checks and ensure they print correctly.
Printing Checks
This section is for Republic bank, Once you've logged in for the first time and completed the printer configuration, you are now prepared to print any checks that you receive. You will find them by clicking the Print Checks option.
Reprinting Checks
For TPG, EPS and Refund Advantage, all check reprinting is now handled by the respective Banks site portal.
This section is for Republic bank, If there is any printing issue or other issue that occurs that prevents your customer from receiving the check correctly, you are able to reprint a check up to 3 times before the bank will no longer allow reprinting. Reprinting a check will VOID the previously printed check that you are reprinting.
Note that you will be asked for the Check Authorization number when reprinting. This number can be found by checking either the Disbursements tab in the Return Query for that return or in the Tax Return Summary option found in the top-right corner of an open return.