Toll-Free Tax Info Hotline PLUS (TFTI+) through Versicom allows your clients to receive the up-to-the-minute status of their tax return or Settlement Solution by an automatically generated text message or e-mail. TFTI+ is a service integrated with UltimateTax through a third party: Versicom. Your clients also have access to a toll-free phone number and website to check their return status at their convenience.
TFTI+ works seamlessly with your UltimateTax software. Once you've purchased TFTI+ from your sales representative and e-filed your client's tax return, our Electronic Filing Center will automatically send required return information to Versicom each time a processing milestone is met, providing them with the latest status of the client's tax return and Settlement Solution.
Taxpayers can call 866-730-2274 to check the status of their return.
Solution Articles:
Toll-Free Tax Info Hotline PLUS (TFTI+) via Versicom for Online