Note: Preparing business returns requires installing the Desktop software with all updates applied!
Need to prepare a business return, such as 1041, 1065, or maybe 1120? It's just as simple as opening a new 1040 return! To get started, please follow the steps below:
- Sign into the software as a User that is authorized to start new returns (Guest and all SuperUsers can do this by default)
- After signing in, the Select Package window will appear. This is where you will need to select the type of return you want the software to open when starting a return.
- Now, you will be able to start a return like normal. When starting a return that is a business return, notice the fields have now changed from asking for an SSN to needing the EIN of the business.
And that's all there is to it! After entering the EIN and selecting OK, you will be greeted with the needed forms for the return type you are preparing.
Solution Articles:
Downloading UltimateTax
Setup Assistant