The check initially printed was damaged or was not printed correctly. You have possession of the original check. In this scenario, you can Reprint the check, write Void on the original check, and then return the voided check to the bank. UltimateTax allows you to print a check as many times as you need, provided you answer the on-screen questions correctly. (The first time you print a check, you are asked, "Are there any checks in this session to void?" If you keep answering "Yes" to this question and highlighting the SSN, you will be able to keep printing over and over.)
If you indicate that there are no checks to void, you are prompted to send that check print data back to CCH. At this point, you would go to REPRINT CHECKS to print another check. You can reprint the check as many times as you need, provided you answer the question correctly about voiding.
To reprint a check, you must have possession of the original check. If you do not, follow the bank's procedure to reissue the check instead of reprinting it. This is also the procedure to follow if a check is lost, mislaid, stolen, destroyed, or misappropriated. To reprint a check, you need the SSN and the authorization number (which can be obtained by pressing F7 while the return is open), and then clicking the Checks tab. You also need the original check amount and check number. When all the information has been gathered, select Reprint Checks from the Bank menu in UltimateTax, and then follow the screen prompts.

This information applies to all years of the UltimateTax software.