In the Desktop software
Log in to the Desktop software as Admin. For each return you would like to export: open the return and click on Diagnostics. In the Diagnostics window click on Mark to Transfer.
Once all returns have been marked, go to Communications -> Transmit to TaxWise Online. A communications window will open and you will be able to select the returns you've marked. Once selected, continue with the prompts to transmit the returns.
In the Online software
To import returns, use the following steps:
1. Log in as the Admin or a user with the Administrator role.
2. Click Tax Returns.
3. In the View More Actions list, click Import Returns.
4. From the Assign to the user list, select the user where you want the return(s) imported.
5. Select the check box(es) beside the return(s) to be imported.
• For instances where the check box is disabled and the text is in red, hovering over the check box will display a tooltip telling you a return already exist in UltimateTax Online for that TIN. See the article for Resolve Import Duplicates for more information.
6. Click Import.
7. Click OK to confirm the import.
8. Click Close on the dialog displaying the status of the import.
Solution Articles:
Exporting Return from UltimateTax Online to Desktop