You can only enter up to 5 non-resident states if you want to E-file the return.
When you designate a nonresident state on the Main information page, the RES/NR worksheet loads into the return. Information calculates to this worksheet automatically. The RES/NR worksheet handles the first two non-resident states. Suppose more than two, the Additional RES/NR worksheet loads to handle up to three more non-resident states.
After completing the federal return, review the worksheet and make any adjustments needed between the resident and non-resident states or between taxpayer and spouse. TaxWise calculates the adjusted amounts to the state forms.
If you need to list any additional non-resident states(more than 5), you will need to paper file the return. To list the non-resident states: on the main information page, list the 5 non-resident states, and print the form out(the main information page.) Go back into the return, take out the 5 non-resident states previously listed, add in the additional states needed, and print out the form or return(whatever you need to file.)
This information applies to all years of the UltimateTax software.