If the taxpayer or spouse Died in 2021 or 2022:
Enter the date of death for the taxpayer or spouse in the appropriate box if either one died in 2021 or before filing the return in 2022. Enter this information on the Main information sheet.
You must enter the full four-digit year in the date; for example, 03/09/2020. Do not type the slashes; TaxWise enters those for you.
If you have not previously done so, go to Name Line 2 in the U.S. address area at the top of the Main Information Sheet and enter the name of the person filing the return for the deceased; example, % John Doe. This could be the surviving spouse if Married filing Jointly or a personal representative.
When you print the return, TaxWise prints the date of death and DECD next to the deceased person's name in the address area at the top on 1040 page 1, as required by IRS. Ensure that the taxpayer and spouse information is not "overrode" on the Main information sheet or the 1040 pg 1 to avoid rejects for missing information associated with them in care of name.
TaxWise calculates the check boxes labeled This tax return is being filed by based on the filing status and date(s) you entered.
If this return has a filing status of married filing jointly and you entered a date of death for "taxpayer" or "spouse" but not both, TaxWise selects the surviving spouse check box. If this return has any other filing status or you entered the date of death for both taxpayer and spouse, TaxWise selects someone else checkbox.
This information applies to all years of the UltimateTax software.
Solution Articles:
1310 - Person Claiming Refund Due to a Deceased Taxpayer
Entering information for a deceased spouse