If Taxpayer or Spouse Died in 2011 or 2012
Enter the date of the death of the taxpayer or spouse in the appropriate box if either one died in 2011 or in 2012 before filing the tax return.
You must enter the full four-digit year in the date; for example, 03/09/2011. Do not type the slashes: UltimateTax enters those for you.
If you have not previously done so, go to Name Line 2 in the U.S. address area at the top of the Main Information Sheet, and enter the name of the person filing the return for the deceased person.
This may be the surviving spouse if the filing status is Married Filing Jointly (MFJ) or a personal representative such as an executor, administrator, or anyone in charge of the deceased taxpayer’s property.
When you print the return, UltimateTax prints the date of the death and DECD next to the deceased person's name in the address area at the top of Form 1040, page 1, as required by the IRS.
UltimateTax calculates check boxes are filing this tax return based on the filing status and date(s) of death you entered.
Suppose this return has a filing status of Married Filing Jointly (MFJ), and you entered a date of death for "taxpayer" or "spouse" but not both. In that case, UltimateTax automatically selects the Surviving Spouse check box. If this return has any other filing status, or you entered a date of death for both taxpayer and spouse, UltimateTax selects the Someone Else check box.
You can override the calculation if needed by pressing F8 in each field and entering the correct information.
Note: The Name field on Form 1040, page 2, must be no longer than 30 characters. This also includes the spaces and the ampersand ("and" sign). Removing some letters from the names, such as the middle initial, and shortening the last names will suffice as long as the first 4 letters of the first and last name are present.
This information applies to all years of the UltimateTax software.